Rules & Reminders
Classroom Rules
To create a healthy and successful learning environment in our classroom, we have a few basic rules:
Positive Consequences for Following the Rules:
Consequences for Bad Choices:
Classroom Rules
To create a healthy and successful learning environment in our classroom, we have a few basic rules:
- Treat everyone with respect.
- Practice self-control.
- Make good choices.
- Have a good attitude.
- Take an active part and always do your best.
Positive Consequences for Following the Rules:
- Choose your seat on Friday.
- Keep points for good behavior.
Consequences for Bad Choices:
- Verbal Warning
- Loss of points for participation/behavior.
- No choice of seat on Friday.
- In class blue slip.
- Lifeskills
- Referral.
Things to Remember
Things to Remember
- Label everything: Backpacks, clothing, and lunches all need to have first initials and last names on them.
- Tardies/Absences: Late students need to get a "late slip" from the office before coming to class. When absent, please send a note to school with your child stating the reason for the absence, or call the school.
- Parent Volunteers: For safety reasons, parent volunteers sign in at the office and wear a nametag while on campus during school hours.
- Conferences: Conferences are held in November and March. If the teacher doesn't contact you, you may request to meet with the teacher. Additional conferences can be made by special arrangement with the teacher.
- Progress Reports/Report Cards: These are mailed home throughout the year. You may receive interim progress reports, but it varies from teacher to teacher and/or grade level. If ever you have a question regarding grades, you can log into Parent Connect/Aeries.