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Homework Policy

Math practice outside of class time reinforces what is learned at school and instills good work habits. It is an essential piece to learning the math concepts because it provides the independent practice that is necessary.

Expect math practice every night, Mon.-Thurs. (see the assignment chart in my google classroom for specifics)

No Late work is accepted. This is an 8th grade policy.  Please understand that there is not a "last minute fix" at the end of the trimester to get a passing grade. Your grade is a reflection of daily effort.  However, if there are extenuating circumstances please bring a note from your parents and extra time may be granted at my discretion.

Absent Work—You are responsible for the completing the classwork in the booklet as well as the homework.  Students have 1 extra day for every day that he/she was sick to turn in the work. 

  • To assist you with absent work, notes and sometimes video tutorials will be posted for you to refer to in my google classroom
  • Missing class is not an excuse for not completeing your math work.  Everything you need is provided in my google classroom.  If you need additional help, please feel free to come see me before school when you return.
Digital copies of worksheets that are not part of your packet will be included in my google classroom so you can print off what you need from home, or answer the questions on another piece of paper without printing it.


One homework grade per week--Each assignment is given a score of 1-5.  So if there are 4 assignments in a week, a student can earn up to 20 points.  Their grade for the week is based on the percentage of points earned.  For example, 18 points = 90%,  16 points = 80% and so on.