Rules & Reminders
Classroom Rules
Classroom Rules
To create a successful learning environment that fosters learning for all students in our classroom, we have a few basic rules:
1. Be responsible.
2. Be respectful.
3. Be safe.
Specific Rules
Label everything: Backpacks, clothing, and lunches all need to have first initials and last names on them.
Tardies/Absences: Late students need to get a "late slip" from the office before coming to class. Students are responsible for missed assignments due to absences. They must ask for any missing assignments when they return to school.
Parent Volunteers: For safety reasons, parent volunteers sign in at the office and wear a name tag while on campus during school hours.
Conferences/Progress Reports: Conferences can be made by special arrangement with the teacher. Progress reports are given three times per semester.
Chewing Gum is not allowed on campus.
Cell phones are to be off and in the student's backpack.